Friday, October 5, 2018

Healthy Heart For Healthy People

5 Things to Do Daily to Keep Your Heart Healthy 

1. Eat healthy fats, NOT trans fats:

We need fats in our diet, including saturated and polyunsaturated and unsaturated fats. One fat we don’t need is trans fat, which is known to increase your risk of developing heart disease or having a stroke over a lifetime. This is because trans fat clogs your arteries by raising your bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and lowering your good cholesterol levels (HDL). By cutting them from your diet, you improve the blood flow throughout your body. So, what are trans fats? They are industry-produced fats often used in packaged baked goods, snack foods, margarines and fried fast foods to add flavor and texture.

2.  Practice good dental hygiene, especially flossing your teeth daily:

Dental health is a good indication of overall health, including your heart, because those who have periodontal (gum) disease often have the same risk factors for heart disease. Studies continue on this issue, but many have shown that bacteria in the mouth involved in the development of gum disease can move into the bloodstream and cause an elevation in C-reactive protein, a marker for inflammation in the blood vessels. These changes may in turn, increase your risk of heart disease and stroke.


3.  Get enough sleep:

Sleep is an essential part of keeping your heart healthy. If you don’t sleep enough, you may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease no matter your age or other health habits. One study looking at 3,000 adults over the age of 45 found that those who slept fewer than six hours per night were about twice as likely to have a stroke or heart attack as people who slept six to eight hours per night. Researchers believe sleeping too little causes disruptions in underlying health conditions and biological processes, including blood pressure and inflammation.

4.  Don’t sit for too long at one time:

In recent years, research has suggested that staying seated for long periods of time is bad for your health no matter how much exercise you do. This is bad news for the many people who sit at sedentary jobs all day. When looking at the combined results of several observational studies that included nearly 800,000 people, researchers found that in those who sat the most, there was an associated 147 percent increase in cardiovascular events and a 90 percent increase in death caused by these events. In addition, sitting for long periods of time (especially when traveling) increases your risk of deep vein throm (a blood clot).

5.   Avoid secondhand smoke like the plague: 

Studies show that the risk of developing heart disease is about 25 to 30 percent higher for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work. According to the American Heart Association, exposure to tobacco smoke contributes to about 34,000 premature heart disease deaths and 7,300 lung cancer deaths each year. And nonsmokers who have high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol have an even greater risk of developing heart disease when they’re exposed to secondhand smoke. This is because the chemicals emitted from cigarette smoke promote the development of plaque buildup in the arteries.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Sleep More To Stay Well

How Does Lack Of Sleep Affect Your Body 


If sleeping less than 6 hours a day is a common feature in your life, then you must complete reading this article right now. Lack of sleep can affect your body in more ways than you can imagine. Work. Online life. Family and friends. Our life gets too entangled in these elements that we forget to give our body ample rest in the form of adequate sleep. Here is how lack of sleep harms your body very silently: 

     1. The Weight Gain Pain

When you are sleep deprived, you invite obesity. It’s said that when your body receives less sleep, you tend to feel hungrier and hence eat more. This happens because of hormonal imbalance. The hormone that stimulates our hunger (ghrelin) increases while the chemical that helps in keeping our appetite in check (leptin) lowers. 

     2. The Diabetes Risk 

Keeping an eye on your diet and exercise are crucial for preventing diabetes. But little did you know that when you sleep less, your body’s ability to process the glucose in your bloodstream gets hampered. Thus, making you more susceptible to type 2 diabetes. 

      3. Skip Sleep Skip A Beat 

In the long run, sleeping less than 6 hours a day can increase your chances of getting a heart disease by 2 times. This happens because lack of sleep alters your heart rate and increases your blood pressure since your body is not relaxed.As high BP or hypertension is the number one reason for heart issues, not sleeping well is something you should refrain from. 

      4. Less Immunity, More Infections 

“Your immune system produces proteins called cytokines while you are asleep. These cytokines are required to produce antibodies that help prevent infections like common cold, etc.”, informs Dr. A. K. Singh, Uppal, Hyderabad. These elements also help in speeding your recovery from illnesses. But if you are sleep deprived, it means reduced levels of cytokines and hence you increase your risk of getting sick. 

       5. Less Sleep Less Sperms 

Sleep deprivation reduces your libido but as per studies, it can also lead to infertility. This is more common among men. The chances of a low sperm count are more likely if you don’t get a good night’s sleep for at least 6 hours. So it’s not only the quantity of sleep that matters but also the quality. Nothing is more important than your health. No work or party is worth your good night’s sleep. So choose to snooze beyond forty winks before your health sinks. If you have any problems in getting a sound sleep you might need medical help. Happy Sleeping! 

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Keep Your Skin Away From Contagious

What Are The Skin Diseases That Are Contagious


Most of us must have experienced problems with the skin such as rashes, itches, burns, ooze or a sting. Not all skin problems are serious. Some of the skin problems may be caused by infections that may be contagious. When such skin diseases occur, it is important to consult with a skin specialist or visit a skin clinic immediately. 



Scabies is an itchy rash that is found between the fingers, on the knees and buttocks, or near the waist and belly button. It may take the form of blistery bumps and can be transmitted from one person to the other. It is caused by a mite named Sarcoptes scabei. Scabies usually spreads through physical contact or in crowded areas such as hospitals and nursing homes. A topical lotion or shampoo is prescribed for the treatment of scabies. Hot water should be used to wash the bedding and clothes of the patient, and they should be dried under a hot drier. People who come in contact with the affected person should be treated as well.

Athlete’s foot 

It is a fungal infection that causes unpleasant symptoms in the feet, such as an itching or burning sensation in the foot, or cracking and peeling of the skin. It usually spreads in public places like in a locker room, gyms or public shower etc. Toe-nails may turn thick and discolored, if the infection spreads to the toes. Normally, topical lotions and oral anti fungal medicines are prescribed for treating an athlete’s foot infection. Besides the treatment, the infected person should keep their toes dry after they take a shower. Other preventive steps include, wearing wide shoes, discarding old worn out shoes that have been used for exercising, avoiding putting on other’s shoes, wearing loose shoes such as flip-flops, water shoes or sandals in the public areas and avoiding barefoot walking.


It is one of the most common skin infections observed mostly in kids aged 2 to 5. This is a relatively mild infection and can be treated with a topical antibiotic. For serious cases, oral antibiotics may be prescribed. 



It appears as a red, scaly and itchy rash that looks like a ring. Similar to fungal infections, ring worms are also contaminated in public places such as in a locker room. It usually spreads through the feet. Sources of contamination may include sharing towel of an infected person, using gym equipment that has been used by an infected person and has not been cleaned. Ring worms may also be spread from pets. Ring worms are usually treated with lotions or oral anti fungal. 

Jock Itch 

Usually observed among teenage boys or young men, it is an infection that infects the upper region of the thighs beside the scrotum, which causes red and itchy lesions. Men involved in sports who need to wear athletic equipment regularly tend to develop this infection. Jock itch can be spread through a skin-to-skin contact or unwashed clothes. Thus these are some of the skin diseases that you need to be aware of and if you are experiencing any problem with your skin and not sure about an appropriate skin treatment, you may visit a skin clinic and consult with a skin specialist.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Stay With A Healthy Skin In Marshy Clocks

How Does Monsoon Affect Your Skin 

Every coin has two sides and so does monsoon. On one hand, it brings the joy of rains. On the other hand, it also brings an array of bacterial and fungal skin infections. Continue reading to know how the rainy season leads to skin issues and all the tips for skin care during monsoon. 

During monsoon, our skin keeps fluctuating from being oily to dry because of the drastic changes in the humidity levels in the atmosphere. When it becomes too humid and stuffy, your skin becomes prone to excessive oil and sweat. If you don’t wash your face 3 to 4 times a day, the oil in the pores become a perfect magnet attracting dust, dirt and bacteria present in the air. What happens then? An outbreak of blackheads, whiteheads and pimples is what follows. That’s why people with oily skin should be more careful. 


Ironically, monsoon is also the time when the skin tends to get dry on account of dehydration because a lot of water content is lost due to excessive sweating. People who suffer from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) should be more alert to avoid body odour. Drink at least 7 to 8 glasses of water to keep yourself hydrated and your skin free from flaky dryness. But this doesn’t mean that getting wet in the rain is beneficial for the skin. On the contrary it can harm your skin. 


Since humidity encourages the growth of the various bacteria and fungi, getting drenched in the rain often or wearing wet clothes and shoes for a long time can lead to the same bacteria and fungi growing on your skin.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Breast Cancer 

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. 

There are many types of breast cancer that differ in their capability of spreading (metastasize) to other body tissues. 
The causes of breast cancer are not yet fully known, although a number of risk factors have been identified.
  •  There are many different types of breast cancer. 
  •  Breast cancer symptoms and signs include 
  •  a lump in the breast or armpit, o bloody nipple discharge, 
  • inverted nipple, 
  • orange-peel texture or dimpling of the breast's skin, 
  • breast pain or sore nipple, 
  • swollen lymph nodes in the neck or armpit, and 
  • a change in the size or shape of the breast or nipple. 
  • Breast cancer is diagnosed during a physical exam, by a self-exam of the breasts, mammography, ultrasound testing, and biopsy. 
  • Treatment of breast cancer depends on the type of cancer and its stage (0-IV) and may involve surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy.

There are many risk factors that increase the chance of developing breast cancer. Although we know some of these risk factors, we don't know the cause of breast cancer or how these factors cause the development of a cancer cell. 

We know that normal breast cells become cancerous because of mutations in the DNA, and although some of these are inherited, most DNA changes related to breast cells are acquired during one's life. 

Proto-oncogenes help cells grow. If these cells mutate, they can increase growth of cells without any control. Such mutations are referred to as oncogenes. Such uncontrolled cell growth can lead to cancer. 

Although breast cancer can be diagnosed by the above signs and symptoms, the use of screening mammography has made it possible to detect many of the cancers early before they cause any symptoms. Women should have the choice to begin annual screening between 40-44 years of age. Women age 45 and older should have a screening mammogram every year until age 54. Women 55 years of age and older should have biennial screening or have the opportunity to continue screening annually. Women should continue screening mammography as long as their overall health is good and they have a life expectancy of 10 years or longer.

A bio similar is a new type of biologic drug. A biologic drug or product is made from living things, such as antibodies or proteins. 

Herceptin (chemical name: trastuzumab) and Avastin (chemical name: bevacizumab) are two examples of biologic drugs used to treat breast cancer. Both Herceptin and Avastin are created from monoclonal antibodies, a type of protein made in the lab that can bind to substances in the body, including cancer cells. Because they’re made from living organisms, biologic drugs are much more complex to make than drugs that are made from a mixture of chemicals, such as acetaminophen (brand name: Tylenol) or pseudoephedrine (brand name: Sudafed). The structure of chemical drugs can be easily analyzed, identified, and duplicated. This is why there are so many generic drugs on the market. After the patent on a chemical drug expires, another manufacturer can make an exact copy of the drug. Because they are identical, generic drugs and name-brand drugs can be used interchangeably

Monday, August 27, 2018

Remove Your Undesired Cells And Look Fresh

Skin Tags

Skin tags are harmless growths on the skin that can vary in number. They are usually the same color as your skin or slightly darker. These tiny pieces of tissue are composed of blood vessels and a type of protein fiber called collagen. They project from the surrounding skin on a thin or thick stalk. While most skin tags are small, pinhead-sized bumps, they may become as large as a grape.

Skin tags can develop on any part of the body, but they most commonly grow on areas of high friction or areas that are
commonly rubbed, such as:
 neck
 breasts
 groin
 stomach
 eyelids
 underarms

Males and females are equally prone to getting skin tags. However, people may be more likely to develop skin tags if they are obese, are pregnant, or have diabetes.

Skin tag removal usually doesn’t require the use of an anesthetic. However, your doctor might apply an anesthetic cream or lidocaine injections to ease the pain if your skin tags are large, or if you are getting multiple skin tags removed at once.
If your doctor burns or freezes your skin tags, it might take a few days for them to fall off. Even after skin tag removal, the growths may come back and new ones might develop in other places.
People with multiple skin tags might want them removed for cosmetic reasons. However, new skin tags frequently pop up again in those areas.
It’s important to keep in mind that removing skin tags isn’t medically necessary, and many insurance companies don’t cover the cost of skin tag removal. Deciding not to have treatment is a reasonable option if the growths aren’t bothersome.

Your doctor will probably use one of the following techniques to remove your skin tags:
 cutting them off with scissors or another sharp tool
 freezing them with liquid nitrogen
 burning them using an electric current

Friday, August 24, 2018

Excess Glucose Onsets Hair fall

Is There Any Relation Between Hair Loss and Diabetes?


Diabetes is a curse for the modern society because there is a lot of stress, worries, sedentary lifestyle and fast food. Often this disease can be connected with hair thinning fragile hair, unhealthy looks and severe balding. Due to this, the less amount of nutrients and oxygen reach the upper and the lower extremities of the body, like the feet and the scalp areas. 

If diabetes causing poor blood circulation to the scalp, the hair follicles will progressively shrink resulting in baldness. Poor circulation may prevent further normal hair growth. 

So diabetes not only causes the loss of your existing hairs, but it also prevents the growth of new hair. It also can bring hormonal imbalance in the human body, and such hormonal changes may be manifested through hair thinning. Drugs which are used to treat diabetes may also lead to baldness and if you feel this is your case, consult your doctor because this disease may weaken your immune system, making it susceptible to other illnesses such as skin rashes and thyroid dysfunctions. Diabetes may also cause high levels of oxidative stress, hence causing “old hair”. 

If you are not diagnosed with your doctor then it is highly advised that you must take consultation from the doctor. As it is one of the lesser known symptoms and is often found only by medical checkup. 

So, if you need to manage your diabetes then you need to follow some methods: 

Improve Diet and lifestyle: Follow a healthy lifestyle, make sure you check your blood sugar levels regularity 
Take Medicine: Make sure you take any medication prescribed by your doctor. 
Reduce Your Stress: You need to notice how your body reacts to stress and must do regular activities and exercising to reduce the level of stress. Meditation is also very helpful to reduce stress.