Monday, March 21, 2022

What is the Difference between Curly and Straight Hair Transplant?

Humans do not have a genetic predisposition to hair loss. Hair fall is a problem for people with both straight and curly hair, and they strive to find efficient and long-term solutions. If you're thinking about getting the finest hair transplant in India, you probably want to be sure it'll work for your hair type.


It is a complete fallacy to believe that a hair transplant is just a feasible choice for people with straight hair. The quality of your hair follicles and the specialist you visit determine whether you are an ideal candidate for a hair transplant in India. The texture of your hair has no bearing on the situation.


1. Straight Hair Transplant vs. Curly Hair Transplant

While hair transplantation may be done on both curly and straight hair, you should be aware that the methods are distinct.


Curly hair responds better to Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), whereas straight hair responds better to Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).

As previously stated, hair transplant doctors recommend FUT for curly hair transplanting. It entails taking strips of scalp from the donor site containing hair follicles and implanting them into the recipient location on the scalp.



The first and most important benefit of curly hair transplantation is that each graft has a large number of healthy hair follicles that may be transplanted into the "problem" location on the scalp. This facilitates the transplanting procedure.

Following successful transplantation surgery, the patient requires fewer grafts and future touch-ups than with straight hair.

Curly hair transplants also result in a profuse regeneration of hair on the treated areas, which makes the scalp appear fuller and more natural.

Hair transplantation for curly hair requires significantly less time than for straight hair.



The extraction of hair follicles from the grafts is one of the most important drawbacks of curly hair transplants. It's a complicated process that should only be performed by trained specialists.

Curly hair transplant in Kolkata also results in a profuse regeneration of hair on the treated areas, which makes the scalp appear fuller and more natural.

Because of poor implantation and placement, having it done by an unskilled or inexperienced surgeon might make the transplanted hair seem highly unnatural.

FUE is an excellent technique for individuals who have straight hair, owing to the refined methodology and enhanced outcomes.



Undergoing the FUE procedure for hair transplant in itself is a lot more rewarding compared to FUT. It heals quickly, leaves behind less permanent scarring, and is a more refined procedure too. So, people undergoing straight hair transplantation already have those benefits.

It is a minimally invasive procedure, ideal for patients who get restless thinking about scarring and incisions.



The FUE procedure for straight hair requires more grafts than the FUT procedure for curly hair. So, not only does the hair transplant cost in Kolkata for FUE is high, but you also need more grafts to make the transplantation look natural.

Straight hair transplant in Kolkata gives a less dense look than curly hair transplant due to the flat texture of the hair after regrowth.

FUE is a time-consuming process because it involves the extraction of individual follicles, followed by implantation.


2. Can I change my hair type with a hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is a far-fetched fantasy if you want to go from curly to straight hair or vice versa. You won't notice any changes in the texture or look of your hair unless you obtain your donor hair follicles from someone with a different hair texture (which happens seldom).

This implies that if your donor site's hair is curly, the transplanted hair on your recipient site will regrow curled, not straight.

When you have hair transplant surgery, you fill in areas where there are obvious bald patches or symptoms of severe thinning.


So, expecting drastic changes in the new hair’s texture will be a complete bummer for you. Remember that these are some of the preoperative discussions that your hair transplant surgeon will discuss with you.


3. Results and Recovery

Whether you have curly hair or straight hair, the road to recovery depends on the type of procedure you have undergone.


Generally, an FUE hair transplant has a shorter recovery timeline compared to a FUT hair transplant. This is mainly because FUT involves making a large incision on the donor site that requires proper aftercare to ensure quicker healing without risking infections or other complications.


Taking all prescribed medications and using topical ointments for quicker healing of the donor and recipient sites will be recommended by your surgeon throughout the recovery time.

To promote optimal recovery, avoid intense physical activities for up to two weeks.

To avoid infections or severe allergies, exclusively use medicated hair care products.

For the first several days following surgery, sleep with an elevated position to aid recovery.

Within a week to ten days after surgery, most patients are back to their usual routine and job. However, it is always recommended to keep the scalp covered to avoid direct exposure to UV rays from the sun as well as debris and dander.


4. Hair Transplant Cost in Kolkata

The hair transplant cost in Kolkata is determined by the patient's health. If the hair loss is curly, the number of grafts required for the transplant will be lower, lowering the cost. Straight hair, on the other hand, is the polar opposite.


So, the total cost will depend on:

The number of grafts required for hair transplantation.

Charges levied by the surgeon and the clinic for the surgery

City you are getting the surgery in

The extent of the surgery

Take Away

If you are getting self-conscious about your hair loss and visible balding, considering hair transplant surgery is a pretty great choice. All you need to ensure is that you consult a reliable and highly experienced surgeon known around the country.


When looking for the best hair transplant in Kolkata, use cutting-edge technology for promising treatment standards and satisfactory results, higher success rates are also assured.


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