Friday, April 15, 2022

What are the Long Term Benefits before a Hair Transplant?

Those individuals suffering from baldness or severe hair fall over long periods of time often undergo a hair transplant procedure in order to retain aesthetics. Hair follicles are acquired from the ‘donor site’ and are rooted back into the balding spot. This is called the ‘recipient site’. In India, people most commonly undergo best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.

 A lot of patients fear getting a hair transplant cost in India, because even though it is known to have effective results, at the end of the day it is a cosmetic surgery.

 Most patients are aware of the short-term benefits of getting a hair transplant. Quite naturally, getting a hair transplant visibly improves the physical aesthetic of the patient within 8 to 12 weeks.

However, in the long run, a hair transplant procedure benefits the patient greatly.

Boosts confidence:

Having a bald spot often results in people losing their confidence. They become shy and try to minimise any social interactions as they feel they have a poor aesthetic appearance and this may lead to negative judgments about them. But, once they undergo a hair transplant in Kolkata, they almost overnight become confident about themselves and their appearance again.

Increases self-esteem:

When someone has a bald spot, it often makes them look at themselves differently. Sometimes, this changed perspective brings down the morale and the esteem of the individual. However, once the bald patch is covered, the person does feel better about their appearance and themselves.


Lesser judgements:

Accept it or not, in today’s day and age, society judges individuals on any and every possible aspect. When it comes to having a bald spot, society judges people on appearance and unusual features. After undergoing a hair transplant in India, society looks at these people with a more normal, neutral perspective and does not judge them based on a physical feature.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Put an Eye On the Top 5 Causes of Hair Fall?

Baldness with a hereditary pattern:

Hair loss is generally genetic, with males being more impacted. It affects about 80% of males and 40% of women and is also known as androgenetic alopecia and it can be treated in the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. One's own genes are frequently blamed as a primary cause of baldness. But why is genetic pattern baldness such a serious problem? Hereditary hypersensitivity of the hair follicles to the male hormone testosterone is a common cause. Particularly in its highly concentrated form, dihydrotestosterone (commonly known as DHT).


In women, those symptoms are visible through hair loss around the top of the head. While in men the receding hairline and the back of the head are particularly affected areas. The diagnosis can usually be made by a dermatologist. Although having a family history with hair loss issues is a clear sign of this type of hair loss. The difficulty lies in the fact that androgenetic alopecia cannot be undone and will require surgery.

Hair loss as a result of a thyroid condition:

Baldness can be caused by both an overactive and underactive thyroid gland. A patient is afflicted almost every second, however, it is more frequent in women. Thyroid hormones have a significant impact on hair production and this is used in the treatment of the best hair transplant clinic in India. If the thyroid gland generates too many hormones, the hair will grow stronger at first. Unfortunately, it also degrades rapidly, becoming thinner and finer.


On the other hand, an underactive thyroid, such as that found in Hashimoto’s disease, can cause baldness. Thyroid problems must be diagnosed by a specialist or a family doctor. Medication-based treatments, such as levothyroxine. Nevertheless, it is important to get an early diagnosis for a thyroid disorder. Especially since the hair roots can be permanently damaged if this medical condition is not treated in due time.


Alopecia areata is a kind of alopecia that affects men and women:

Almost all women experience hormonal hair loss after menopause. Because the body becomes more sensitive to dihydrotestosterone following menopause, it frequently happens. This is especially true during menopause, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

Hair loss is often widespread and occurs mostly on the top of the head. Hormonal imbalances are the most common cause of female pattern baldness.

Hair issues like these are exceedingly uncommon in guys. Hormones only have a role later in life, when testosterone production declines and hair loss occurs. A dermatologist can generally identify alopecia areata quickly and begin therapy with medication.


Hair loss issues due to medication and therapies:

Many medications and therapies unfortunately have side effects that can lead to baldness. This does not mean that everyone is affected by those, but issues do occur.

The drugs that cause hair loss include:

      various antidepressants



      anti-inflammatory drugs


      lipid-lowering agents

      The connection between medication and hair loss is easy to diagnose. Usually, the hair grows back after discontinuing the drug or switching to another one.

This disease, unlike alopecia areata, does not cause permanent hair loss. Hair growth can be promoted by using a specific shampoo and making dietary changes. Patience, on the other hand, will be your biggest ally in regaining your hair in this situation.


Stress-related baldness concerns:

Hair loss can be caused by both physical and mental stress in both men and women. It's critical to understand that the body produces chemicals that cause direct harm to the hair roots. In other words, stress can cause telogen effluvium, a condition in which the normal hair cycle is disrupted.


Hair transplantation is a long-term solution for hair loss at the best hair transplant in Kolkata. Many of the hair issues discussed in this article have difficult-to-resolve causes, especially when they are discovered too late. If this is the case, FUE hair transplantation is the most effective approach to replace lost hair. Transplanting your own grafts to the afflicted regions is a safe and comfortable way to treat alopecia. Hair will regenerate after one year thanks to this sort of surgery, leaving no sign of the previous hair loss.


So, if you, too, are suffering from permanent hair loss, contemporary hair surgery procedures are now available to assist you. Do you want to know more about the best hair transplant in India?


Monday, April 11, 2022

What You Should Know about Getting a Haircut after a Hair Transplant?

Hair loss affects almost half of the population in the United Kingdom, and it may be a distressing experience for both men and women. The beauty ideal is frequently viewed as having a full head of thick, luscious hair, with many magazine covers photo-shopped to depict a healthier primary than even some models are really capable of.


Hair loss not only makes you feel self-conscious about your appearance but it may also be from hair loss, according to the treatment of the best hair transplant surgeon in India.

The number of patients seeking FUE hair transplants or FUE surgery has risen substantially in recent years, thanks to major advancements in hair transplant technology and greater success rates over the last decade. With high-profile public personalities like Wayne Rooney demonstrating that hair loss isn't anything to be embarrassed by, an increasing number of people are turning to these developments in this field to enhance the look of balding or thinning hair.


If you've had hair loss, a trip to the barber or hairdresser may have previously filled you with dread as you sought to select a style that didn't exaggerate the problem and avoid the inevitable comment.


For many of those individuals who have undergone the best hair transplant clinic in India and are now enjoying a much fuller head of hair and a much higher level of confidence, one of the first things they want to do is visit the barbers or hairdressers and get a fresh new style cut in. However, before you head straight to get your first haircut post-treatment, there are a few important things you need to know.


The month following FUT or FUE

The first month following a hair transplant needs a bit more attention and care for your scalp and hair than usual. While the scabs heal and the hair begins to grow, you should use specialized shampoo on the treated regions, especially in the first week. You should also try to be gentler with your hair while washing and drying it, avoiding too aggressive shampooing and towel drying. It's also a good idea to avoid using a hairdryer during this period.


However, your normal hair will continue to grow, which if you have a particularly short haircut, can make the donor areas more noticeable. But the good news is that after around three weeks you can safely get your hair cut without causing any damage to the transplants or new hair.


Having said that it may be advisable to visit your hair transplant physician before you cut your hair to ensure the head is healing properly. If the healing process is a little slower than normal and there is still some redness, swelling, and scabbing, it may be advisable to wait before getting a new haircut, as this could aggravate the area and slow down healing even more.


However, your hair transplant physician will be the best person to advice on this as your hairdresser/barber may not have any experience with hair transplants before, so it is better to take the advice of a specialist.


What type of style can I go for?

The honest answer to this question is any style you want. Providing your scalp has healed correctly, the risk of dislodging hair transplants is very minimal. Therefore, you can opt for any hairstyle you choose. Some men who have had the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata often decide to shave their hair very short when they go for their first haircut so that any difference in length between their natural and donor hair is no longer visible and it can then continue to grow at the same length.


Another option is to go for a more voluminous style to cover up the areas of the donor’s hair which is still recovering and growing. Essentially, your first hairstyle with your new hair is entirely down to personal choice and now that you have more hair to play with, you can enjoy the entire process of finding a style to suit your new look again.


Styling your hair:

In addition to your haircut, you may also be eager to get back to using styling products, chemical dyes, or heat treatments to get back to your old style. However, just like the haircut, it’s recommended to avoid these for at least 3-4 weeks. Certainly, with hair drying, the transplant area may still be numb so there’s a risk of burning and the excessive heat can damage new follicles and the scalp may become burnt and damaged if exposed to prolonged heat. Furthermore, with chemicals and styling products, the new follicles may be more sensitive in the initial growth stages, so there’s a possibility they could react adversely to products.


If you are planning on coloring your hair, then you should wait at least 4 weeks and check with your hair transplant physician before doing so. You should also ensure you do a patch test even if you have used the dye before as the new hair follicle may react differently to the dye.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

What You Should Do When you are Not Sure about Hair Transplant?

Getting a hair transplant is a scary place to be in and many people get terrified by the thought of it. What can really help people here is a consultation from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata or by talking to people who have already done a hair transplantation surgery and discuss their experiences?

Doing a proper research on Hair Transplantation clinics also makes a huge difference because as we all know, getting a hair transplant is a big decision in itself.


There are a few steps that people can follow before getting a hair transplantation treatment done.


Remember one can work with what you have:

It is important for one to remember that hair transplant procedures aren’t magical. Surgeons can work with only those areas where there is scope for the hair to grow. For e.g., if you’ve got a receding hairline or your hair is thinning at the top of your head we use other areas of the scalp to transplant hair from. In most cases, we take hair from the back and sides of the head and transplant it to thinning areas. If you have gone to a clinic with a completely bald scalp, then your chances of getting hair transplantation might be low.


A hair transplant is a permanent treatment:

One must always remember that when they make a decision of a getting this treatment done, they must know that it is permanent and will stay for lifelong.


The cost of the hair transplant:

The hair transplant cost in Kolkata is one of the biggest concerns when getting a treatment done.  The cost of the treatment is definitely a bit expensive, but it is totally worth the money you invest. By doing this, you also save on the money you spend on the expensive hair products you buy to keep your hair secure and healthy.


Choosing the best clinic:

Choosing the clinic which suits you the best is the most vital part of the hair transplant in India. It is important for the person to do research of their past work, before and after pictures, the surgeons, the staff and the services they offer.

In conclusion, the most important thing to keep in your mind before a hair transplant treatment is one must always talk to a person who has already got a treatment done, ask them from which clinic and who are the best surgeons and then analyze it and take a decision. One should also talk to their family in order to be sure before taking such a big decision.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Do Viruses Initiate Hair Loss?

When it comes to hair loss, some of the most commonly known causes are age, genetics, hormones, stress and diet etc… These are the typical factors that can trigger the conditions and hormones that affect the hair’s growth cycle and thickness. However, there are also lesser-known links between hair loss and specific medical or health conditions. One of these is the link between viral infections and increased hair loss.


This connection became headline news in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, when reports emerged about hair loss being a common side-effect for some sufferers, sometimes months after they recovered from the virus.


While the scientific discoveries are still ongoing, the evidence suggests that there is some kind of connection between virus symptoms or side-effects and the health of the hair and scalp. Although it’s possible that the stress around a period of illness, and especially the heightened uncertainties during the global pandemic, may be the real underlying cause, or at least an additional factor, as stress is a widely regarded as a common trigger for increased hair loss though there are various opportunities for hair transplant in India.


One encouraging aspect is that the type of hair loss linked to both stress and illnesses (such as viral infections) is usually the temporary kind, known as Telogen Effluvium (TE). In cases of TE, the normal growth cycle of the hair is shocked or stressed by the triggering incident, i.e. an illness, which results in more shedding than usual. It can sometimes be difficult to identify what has caused the excess shedding, as it can often occur months after the damage was caused to the hair follicle.


Looking After Your Health:

The good news is that some of the same preventative measures for avoiding common viral infections can also help to prevent, and even reverse, some types of hair loss. So, if you’ve noticed increased hair loss, or you’re concerned about the after-effects or prevention of viral infection, here are some of the things you can do to strengthen your immune system, boost your overall health and wellbeing, and minimise some of the common causes of hair thinning or excess shedding.



Moderate exercise on a regular basis can help you to build a strong foundation of health that will naturally support both your immune system and your body’s regenerative processes, such as hair growth.


Stress-relieving strategies:

Reducing stress, whenever possible, can be one of the best ways to boost your overall health and wellbeing, which will naturally help with any stress-related hair loss.



Eating well, particularly during times of illness or stress, can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to repair it and restore the natural healthy balance of your hair’s growth cycle.


Although losing your hair is not in itself regarded as a serious health issue, it may be a symptom or side-effect of another condition or infection. If you’ve noticed an increase in hair loss and you’ve ruled out the usual causes, it would certainly be worth mentioning it to your GP.  Alternatively, you could book a free consultation with the best hair transplant clinic in India, where hair loss specialists can help you learn more about your hair loss and if it might be related to underlying health conditions.


Getting any unusual hair loss symptoms checked with a medical professional of the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata  is advisable, if only to provide you with peace of mind that you’re fit and well. And since stress and anxiety can themselves contribute to hair loss issues, it would be wise to investigate any concerns sooner rather than later.

Monday, April 4, 2022

Why Wigs are Not a Solution for Lifetime?

When people think about losing their hair, oftentimes a thought sparks in the mind about getting a wig to replace all of the hair loss. This might be a solution and might make you feel good in the short term, but here is why getting a wig is not a permanent solution and is not something you should consider pursuing in the quest for better hair.

Thinking about the nature of a wig, it cannot be a permanent solution because you have to constantly update the wig and get renewed different wigs every time.  Hair transplant cost in Kolkata  is once and is final, whereas a wig is recurring and is not final. One of the apprehensions that people have when considering a hair transplant surgery is that there is a lot of blood involved with the surgery but the reality is that there is no blood loss involved in a hair transplant surgery.


Skin problems – Wearing a wig causes skin irritation and itching and is not a permanent solution because it causes scalp itchiness and redness and irritation. On the other hand, if you were to go through a surgery,

Aren’t done by trusted doctors – A wig is not made by a doctor that is well trusted and has years of experience and training doing something repeatedly.

Doesn’t solve the problem – Wigs are inherently a short term solution and don’t address the actual problem, the problem is that there is not enough hair on someone’s head and a wig is simply window dressing to cover up this aspect rather than offering an actual well thought out solution.

Can lead to even more hair fall – Wearing a wig can actually lead to even more hair fall than normal. Wearing a wig stresses the hair follicles at the base, which makes it a problem for someone who is concerned with their natural hair and increasing their number of hair follicles.

Stress on the hair follicle causes the hair follicles to gradually weaken and eventually fall out of their natural place. The excess stress on the hair follicles is not good for existing hair follicles as well as subsequent hair growth.

Regular Maintenance – Wigs require a consistent and constant investment, they’re expensive and need to be renewed after a while. In the long run, a hair transplant could actually prove to be a better investment than a wig. If you’re considering the hair transplant cost in India then it might actually be more beneficial to get a hair surgery than it would be to get a wig.

If you’re looking for a better solution than wigs then you might want to look for a hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Taking Biotin For Good Hair: Is It Worthy?

Did you know that about 40% of women and more than 30% of men over the age of 30 in India has done the treatment from the best hair transplant in India? This is a lot more frequent problem than you would think. Hair loss is commonly associated with poor self-esteem in most people. Fortunately, depending on the cause of your hair loss, you may tackle the problem in a variety of methods. Biotin pills have recently been a popular therapy, with many people testifying about their effectiveness.


At the same time, several sources claim that this vitamin is ineffective in the treatment of hair loss. We'd like to debunk the myths around biotin use for hair in this article. We'll also examine its method of action in promoting hair growth.


What is biotin and what does it have to do with hair?

Biotin is a brand name for vitamin B7, which was formerly known as vitamin H. Biotin is a B-complex vitamin that is often known as the "beauty vitamin" because of its remarkable effects on the skin, hair, and nails. It also aids in the digestion of carbs and lipids, resulting in healthy metabolism and high energy level.


Biotin is required for the production of amino acids and, most significantly, keratin, the primary protein found in hair. As a result, consuming biotin for hair may aid in the growth of stronger and healthier hair as well as a faster rate of growth.


What factors cause hair loss?

Very often it is as simple as a lack of certain elements, especially in younger people, that can make your mane recede. Other common culprits are stress, depression, and hormonal disbalance. Such events usually cause only temporary hair loss and can be treated with a healthy diet, various supplements, and stress management if they want to avoid the best hair transplant in Kolkata.


Many medical conditions are also linked to hair loss, for example,- thyroid, adrenal gland, or ovarian disorders. In such cases, you must first tackle the illness itself to eliminate hair loss that occurs as a side symptom.


Obviously, a biotin deficiency can also be the major reason for excessive hair fall. Although rare, a biotin deficiency can be both acquired and hereditary. Pregnant women and those consuming a lot of alcohol have an increased risk of not getting enough vitamin B7.


Sometimes, even if you consume an adequate amount of biotin daily, you can still develop a deficiency due to poor digestion, damaged gut flora or antibiotics treatment. These can lead to poor absorption of essential elements, and biotin as well.


That is why, when it comes to hair, you always need to watch for your gastrointestinal health too. Eating wholesome foods that are good for hair does not make any sense if they cannot be properly processed in the body.


Dosage and sources of biotin on a daily basis:

Adults require 30 to 100 mg of biotin on a regular basis. Pregnant women and anyone with a biotin deficiency may require a higher dosage.

Vitamin B7-rich foods are commonly accessible and usually make up the majority of a person's daily diet.


Those are:

Egg yolks are rich in biotin, however, preparation with heat will reduce the amount of the vitamin. Try to reduce the cooking time and go for soft-boiled eggs.


all nuts contain some amount of the vitamin but almonds are especially great if you want to get more of this vitamin with your meals.

Some fish and caviar

salmon, cod, roe, and oysters are the most biotin-rich sources among seafood.

Sweet potatoes


such as soybeans and peas, must be widely present in a vegan diet to ensure an adequate biotin intake.

organ meat

Beef or chicken liver is the best animal-derived source of vitamins.

We recommend eating these foods raw, if possible, or reduce their cooking time to get more biotin and other essential elements from them.


Is it possible to use biotin topically on hair?

There has been no study done on the efficacy of biotin when used in shampoos, serums, or hair masks on hair. There has been no indication that this vitamin can reach the hair shaft and participate in the keratin production process. This procedure takes place in the best hair transplant in Kolkata.


Ordinarily, over-the-counter treatments are unable to penetrate the hair's core. As a consequence, we feel that applying biotin to the hair on a regular basis will not improve its growth.

Are there any negative consequences?

This vitamin is regarded to be safe to use, and an overdose is quite uncommon. As a result, side effects are uncommon. It can, however, interact with other medicines, reducing their effectiveness. If you're taking medication for diabetes, seizures, or high blood pressure, use biotin supplements with caution and don't take more than the recommended daily amount. Other negative effects include stomach discomfort, acne, and allergic reactions.


How long does biotin take to act on your hair?

Patience is your best friend, regardless of the hair loss treatment you choose. Hair cannot grow too rapidly, therefore it will take some time for you to see a difference between your "before" and "after" hair. You might have to wait approximately three months to observe a difference in your hair's condition.

Biotin for hair: the takeaway

There is a lot of information circling on the Internet about biotin and its implications for hair health. Some swear on its potency to promote hair growth. Others claim that such widespread popularity of using biotin for hair is merely a marketing decoy.


Judging from the medical reports, biotin can be an effective treatment for receding hair but only if the hair loss is temporary and caused by a poor diet.  But also malabsorption of nutrients due to some gastrointestinal conditions.  If your hair loss is triggered by hormones, various illnesses, stress, or genetics, even a long-term treatment with this vitamin will be of no help.