Saturday, May 30, 2020

Cheers Ladies! You Can Now Avail Hair Transplant in Kolkata

Hair transplantation is not a new concept, however in past, it was only been considered as an option for males rather than females. While hair transplantation surely is an exceptionally successful alternative for male baldness, hair transplants likewise give a solution to the increasing number of females experiencing hair loss.

For both men and women, hair is an important part of their identity, characteristic and looks. So it's justifiable that ladies who experience the ill effects of hair loss consider hair transplant as a solution and potentially a life-changing event. Good news is, both males and females can now avail top quality hair transplant in Kolkata.  

Why a woman might need a hair transplant?
In case of hair loss or baldness, people generally consider men first; however female baldness is a common case nowadays. According to a study, it is reported that around half of female population experience hair loss and female pattern baldness. Though it is likely to happen with aged women, it can likewise affect younger women.

There are numerous reasons why a woman may lose her hair. For Indian women the first is obviously tight bun and braid from an early age, including hereditary qualities, stress and injury, a horrible eating routine, lifestyle, an ailment or clinical treatment, poor maintenance etc. Whatever the reasons are, most of the women find hair loss very upsetting and awful. Fortunately hair transplants can be a highly effective solution for long, thick hair.

The most widely known hair transplant procedure for ladies in India is the FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) hair transplant. Indian women are very hard to convince to shave their head or go for a close shave. As FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) requires shaved head, it’s rarely used in women hair plantation in India. That’s the main reason FUT is widely used in India in case of female hair transplant.

This includes taking strips from a dense zone (generally the rear of the head). These are then precisely positioned into the affected area with minuscule entry points. This procedure has a quick recovery time with minimum scarring. The FUT procedure conveys natural and enduring results, and can be a complete solution to female baldness or hair loss.

First step to take:
Once you decide to go for a hair transplant, it's important to research and locate an accomplished surgeon. Also, you should look for someone who has done multiple female hair transplants and realizes how to make results that look natural, blending in with existing hair while avoiding cell injury and trauma that can affect a clean recovery. You should also look for information like past reviews, videos before booking a consultation. A good aftercare represents a good clinic.

Female hair loss is discussed less frequently than male baldness; however it's a common problem that can affect women of all ages and for a wide range of reasons. It very upsetting and traumatic for a woman to suffer from any sort of hair loss, and this might cause lack of self-confidence or disappointment with their appearance.

No worries, there are solutions available, and a hair transplant can be an effective solution for ladies, providing life-long and natural results which can restore happiness and self-confidence.

1 comment:

  1. Hair transplant in Kolkata are the most effective when they are done as soon as you notice any substantial hair loss.
