Friday, May 29, 2020

How to Handle Going Back to Work after Hair Transplant?

Most of the people feel conscious and insecure when they start to lose their hair. This is the reason they decide to proceed with a hair transplant. In a perfect world, they would return into work soon after the procedure and gladly flaunt the new hair that they are so pleased with.

In reality, the uncertainty and tension they felt about losing their hair will extend to conceding that they have invested in new hair. According to a study by the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata, the amount of confidence you will get if you confess about the hair restoration, will impact on your successful come back in workspace.

Medical advice by best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata -  
If you are feeling comfortable, then you are absolutely fine to get back to work. Remember that resting after the medical procedure will aid the mending process, quickens your healing, however if your job does not require any physically labor there is no reason to be afraid to go back to work. In the event that your job is exhausting and requires hard work or difficult work, you need to seatback and stay off work for approx fourteen days. Keep away from any physically exhausting work and allow the transplanted hairs to take a firm hold in your scalp.

Feel free to talk about your hair transplant -
It’s best to accept the fact that you have had a hair transplant. But there will be always some awkward questions flying around. There are a couple of things you can do to avoid your colleagues asking questions about your hair transplant. After the procedure there will be some visible scar, red spots and scabbing.

If you can wear a cap at work, it will fasten your timeline of getting back to work. This may require a careful discussion with your supervisor whereby you let them know about the hair transplant and request permission for next few days.

On the other hand, you may simply wish to take up to 14 days leave until your head is looking better. It relies upon your skin type and how rapidly your head is recuperating. Generally any noticeable indications of medical procedure should have healed within seven days. Commonly the ‘donor’ site shaved very close to your head. It means you will have short trimmed hair for a while.

Also you can begin to trim your hair shorter prior to your hair transplant; it will help you avoid the sudden attention from your co-workers after hair transplant. However, if you are okay to be open about your treatment, as many people are, you may well help another person, your colleague maybe, who is searching for some solution for their hair related issues!

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