Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Will Hair Transplant Surgery Restore My Original Hair Density?

Hair transplantation procedures are constantly improving, which has been a blessing to many people who are concerned about thinning hair, hair loss, or bald areas according to the best hair transplant surgeon in India. Using cutting-edge procedures, doctors can restore the patients' hair to its desired state. The hair transplant surgeon will determine the technique, number of hair grafts, and number of sessions required before beginning the process. For natural-looking outcomes, hair density is critical. The patient would come in with the hope of regaining the same dense and thick natural hair that he had lost. The doctor should realistically set the patient's expectations.


Hair Transplantation Procedure and Hair Density:

The ratio of follicular units on the head per square centimetre is known as hair density. Hair density varies depending on ethnicity, heredity, and the climate in which a person lives. With no hair loss, normal hair density is between 80 and 100 follicular units per square centimetre of the scalp.


When roughly half of the original density has been gone, thinning is noticeable. The direction of the hair follicle placement, the amount of grafts, and the pattern of placement based on the patient's combing technique are some of the measures that the surgeon might take throughout the process to achieve maximum hair density.


If baldness is caused by heredity, a hair transplant at a younger age is not recommended because the natural hair would fall out. So, in a younger patient with reasonable thinning, the appearance will be excellent for a few years after transplant, but as the natural hair falls out, the appearance will be thinner because only the transplanted hair will remain.


How is optimum hair density achieved after Hair Transplantation?

Body hair counts roughly 100,000 follicles in early adolescence. A successful donor hair harvest from the back of the scalp normally yields between 2500 and 4000 hair follicles suggested by the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.


So a bladed area that has lost 50,000 hairs must be covered by around 2500-4000 hairs. This entails a tiny donor region surrounded by a big receiver area. As a result, it is clear that the original density cannot be achieved in a single session. One hair restoration procedure should be sufficient if 45-55 follicular units per square centimeter are transplanted.

However, the transplantation density should be around 80-100 follicular units per square centimeter to achieve pre-hair loss density. Surgeons do not perform this for a variety of reasons, including:


1.     Such intense implantation results in an overabundance of blood supply, leading in shock loss of natural hair in the surrounding area.

2.     A severe disruption of the scalp's blood flow might result in catastrophic complications such as necrosis.

3.     It's pointless and wasteful of finite grafts.

4.     The shaft, whole follicular unit, dermal papilla, and other soft tissue are all included in the transplanted hair. If there is space on the scalp and a healthy blood and nutrient supply from the body, the follicular unit can survive and thrive. The growth of the implanted follicles is hampered by too much graft crowding.

5.     The quantity of grafts transplanted determines the cost of hair restoration. As a result, such a high percentage of graft transfer raises the procedure's cost.


Considering all the above-discussed factors, usually, 45-65 grafts per square centimeter are the optimum value.


How does “Desired Hair Density” affect hair restoration procedures?

Patients are likely to demand higher density and more grafts, resulting in a compromise between doctors and patients. Even while applying additional grafts sounds like a good idea, they won't last. To make patients happy, some surgeons recommend "mega sessions." Approximately 10,000 grafts are inserted during these mega sessions. According to further research, up to 90% of grafts from mega sessions are eventually lost. The patient will be extremely dissatisfied because many grafts will perish before they can grow sufficiently.


Excessing the safe number of grafts in a single transplant session causes damage to the neighboring natural hair, resulting in hair loss. To attain natural-looking density, surgeons plan a second or several transplant operations according to the best hair transplant clinic in India.

Monday, February 28, 2022

8 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair transplantation is quickly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. According to the best hair transplant surgeon in India, Patients' confidence in hair transplants is boosted by techniques like FUE, FUT, and Sapphire Hair Transplant. Furthermore, these procedures produce natural-looking results, which is why an increasing number of people are opting for hair transplants.


However, there are a few items you should avoid in the first few weeks if you want to see long-term gains. This article will discuss eight things to avoid following a hair transplant treatment. Keep in mind that you will be anaesthetized for the hair transplant surgery. As a result, please make sure that you have someone with you to drive you back home.

1. Avoid Sleeping Flat:

Despite the fact that hair transplantation is a small treatment, it is nonetheless a surgery. Swelling around the surgery site, like other procedures, may be a typical sign of the patients' experience. As a result, for the first seven days after surgery, the patient should sleep with his or her head elevated at a 45-degree angle. Sleeping in this position reduces edoema and speeds wound healing. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side, and don't rub your new hairline on your pillow. Cover yourself with a large blanket or sleep in a recliner to minimise tossing and turning at night.


2. Avoid Hair wash:

Within the first 48 hours after your hair transplant, you should avoid washing your hair. On the third day, give your hair a gentle wash. Use a gentle shampoo and avoid squeezing the shampoo on the scalp suggested by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. Instead, pour the shampoo into a cup and massage it into your scalp gently with your hands. Excessive scratching or rubbing should be avoided.


3. Avoid Styling Hair Products:

The harsh chemicals in styling products are detrimental to your hair transplant procedure's success. Before using a dye or any other style product, wait at least 4 weeks. For several weeks after the transplant, the transplanted follicles are in an extremely delicate state, so give them all the attention they need.


4. Avoid De-Hydration:

We can't picture what life would be like without water. However, after a hair transplant, staying hydrated is much more important. When your body is properly hydrated, you will not only feel better, but your recovery will be quicker as well. Drink 10% more water than usual for a few weeks following surgery, and it will make a significant impact in your overall recovery. There are a plethora of mobile apps that will remind you to drink water. The best way to tell if you're getting enough water is to look at the colour of your pee. Urine should be translucent to extremely pale yellow in colour.


5. Avoid ice and sun directly to the scalp:

Because it is important to stay hydrated, do not apply ice directly to the areas of your scalp where you have transplanted hair. Avoid touching the area during the first three days. You can lightly touch your scalp after 72 hours, but only if necessary. If your scalp is itchy, instead of scratching it, use conditioner. For the first two weeks after your hair transplant, avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.


6. Avoid strain and sweat:

Do not indulge in strenuous exercise, such as swimming or weight lifting, during the first seven days after the therapy. Sweat is abundant during any of these activities, and it affects the scalp as well. Stay away from steam rooms and saunas as well. During these seven days, avoid sweating and keep your heart rate and blood pressure in a safe, normal range. After that, you can go on walks, do yoga, or meditate.


7. Avoid Drinking and Smoking:

Because alcohol is a recognized dehydrator, it should be avoided for the first five days following treatment. As a result, drinking alcohol prolongs recovery time, increases discomfort, raises blood pressure to dangerous levels, and lowers blood supply and vital nutrients to the brain. Additionally, for a month following your therapy, refrain from smoking, using nicotine e-liquids, nicotine gum, or wearing nicotine patches. All of these raise your blood pressure. However, it is understood that these habits cannot be broken the day after surgery. As a result, it is advised that you begin reducing your drinking and smoking intake while arranging for a hair transplant so that you can continue doing so after the procedure.


8. Avoid these foods and drinks:

While you may not feel like cooking during your recovery, eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is essential for maintaining healthy blood flow and hydration. Hair that is thick, healthy, soft, smooth, strong, and gorgeous will result from eating more nutrients. Fast food, drink, processed juice, baked goods, and other sugary items should be avoided. Fast food is devoid in nutrients and raises blood sugar levels.


It's important to remember that fast food is often low in nutrition and high in empty calories. Instead, consume calcium, magnesium, protein, iron, vitamin B6, zinc, biotin, and protein-rich foods or supplements according to the best hair transplant in India.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

How Can You Take Care of Your Hair Naturally?

Your hair is your crowning glory! Hair thickness, length and shine have a lot to do with how you treat your mane, but they’re also a reflection of scalp health, which is often ignored and sidelined! But help is at hand, and often the best things to do are also the easiest! You can start at home with these common homemade hair care tips from the best hair transplant clinic in India.


Hair consists of protein. Hair fall and its causes can be noticed clearly in most of the situations. However, the best hair transplant clinics are available in Kolkata with the best techniques.


Oversee the quantity of oil in your hair:

A lot of oil in your hair can cause problems like dandruff because of the weather conditions; this dilutes the scalp of your hair and causes it to fall. The best and easy way is to use a shampoo that is rich in Neem and Aloe vera. These elements will help keep your scalp crisp which in return will reduce the quantity of oil in your hair.


Wet Hair Caution:

Your hair becomes weak when it is wet. Wet hair is often neglected when considering the aspects of what causes hair thinning. Letting your hair dry naturally is the best way. In case if you want to comb your hair when it is wet a wide-toothed comb is the best solution.


If you apply too much force while combing with other brushes it may harm your hair. Let your hair dry naturally, drying them with artificial heating and drying methods can make your hair fragile. In case if you have a habit of combing your hair frequently you should stop that because it can damage your hair.


Consume less alcohol and cigarettes:

Immoderate alcohol intake can reduce your hair growth, the people suffering from hair fall should reduce their alcohol intake. Smoking reduces blood flow in the scalp. So this is a heads up for those people who are suffering from hair loss and consume an excessive amount of alcohol and cigarettes.

Think twice before putting any chemicals in your hair:

There are a number of hair products we get nowadays like hair color and hair gels that contain a lot of chemicals that can be dangerous for your hair. When you use these kinds of products make sure that they are from a well-known company, avoid using products from an unknown source as they may contain harmful chemicals.


At times hair loss can be caused due to medicines so be sure that you take medicines subscribed only by your doctor. In the case of the care procedure from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata, you should only take medicines that are prescribed by your doctor and not consider taking anything unprescribed.


Healthy eating:

A healthy diet plays an important role for the people who are suffering from hair loss. Vitamin A helps with sebum production; vitamin B helps maintain the healthy look of your hair and vitamin E betters blood circulation in the scalp. Vitamin A and B can be found in meat, poultry, fish, and dairy products while Vitamin E is found mainly in vegetable oil, wheat germ, nuts, nut butter, and seeds.

To make your hair strong you need to eat protein-rich food products.

Hair loss can happen due to a lot of reasons there is nothing specific. One can only protect their hair by taking care of them. One of the most important times to take care of your hair is after a hair transplant.


When you’re considering what to do post hair transplantation operation, you should consider this aspect. In case if there is excessive hair fall and damage is done to your hair the only way to make it fine is to go to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata, from the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Hair Transplant in Kolkata: Some Frequent Concerns

Hair transplant in India basically includes the movement of the uncovered safe hair follicles to the going bald zones on top of the head from the rear of the stow away. This interaction is basically lasting since hair follicles from the rear of the head will in general be impervious to hairlessness independent of where they have been found.


Will my transfer look normal?

Whenever done in the correct manner, the end-product can look so common that the vast majority won't see that you went through a methodology. Notwithstanding, note that abilities and procedures received by specialists may change. It is hence important that you select the correct hair relocation center with the best skill in such a manner.

What amount of time does the technique require?

A quintessential meeting that utilizes 1500 to 3000 unions may consume a lot of time in a medical procedure on an outpatient premise. You may likewise have to represent a couple follow up meets with the specialist after the activity.


Is the Hair Transplant Procedure Painful?

Patients are given nearby sedation prior to going under hair relocation in the contributor just as beneficiary locales. Most patients tend not to feel any sort of torment or distress during the system. In any case, after the medical procedure it isn't exceptional to encounter some irritation or desensitizing sensation. Much of the time, patients are glad to acknowledge how negligible the uneasiness from the system truly is.

What number of unions will I require?

The quantities of unions you will require ultimately rely upon the degree of your present balding and the anticipated loss of hair. Moreover, you likewise have a decision of choosing how full you need your hair to look.


How long is the recuperation time frame?

With present day innovation permitting specialists to perform miniature hair transplantation systems, the entry points made are minuscule and generally less obtrusive. This implies that patients have the fortune of going through fast recuperating. As a rule, patients can feel very fine inside the initial 2 days of the medical procedure. Nonetheless, you may encounter gentle deadness and irritation for a couple of days after the medical procedure.


Will my relocated hair begin developing?

It ordinarily requires around 5 months post a medical procedure for the relocated follicles to begin developing new hairs. At first, this development will be fairly slight and after some time you will encounter a more full head of hair. It requires around one year for the relocated territory to completely develop and keep developing for a day to day existence time.


For the hair transplant in Kolkata, talking with your family specialist for suggestions is an extraordinary thought. You may likewise have the option to get suggestions for your hair relocation treatment from the web and through loved ones. Ensure you invest adequate energy investigating all features of the technique before you take any official choices.

Friday, February 18, 2022

Hair Restoration Surgery: The State of the Art

Hair restoration is a complex subspecialty that provides great relief to people suffering from hair loss. Since the original description, the approach to surgical hair restoration has been transformed by greater understanding of the aesthetics of hair loss and cosmetic hair restoration, hair anatomy and physiology, and the advent of micro vascular surgical instruments according to the best hair transplant clinic in India. Graft size, site construction, packing density, and medical control of hair loss are all factors that contribute to the present state of the art in hair restoration.


Hair restoration produces natural-looking outcomes that are backed by a high level of patient satisfaction and safety. This part of cosmetic surgery is a fantastic source of internal cross-referral and is a welcome addition to a typical aesthetic practise. Hair restoration surgery in the future will be focussed on minimal-incision surgery and cell-based therapies.


 Alopecia is a general term for hair loss that involves a loss of visible hair. Alopecia comes in a variety of forms. Androgenic alopecia is the most frequent type of surgically curable alopecia (AGA). The existence of scalp hair has long been associated with traits of health, energy, vitality, and strength. As a result, hair loss in males (MAGA, or male pattern androgenic alopecia) and women (FPHL, or female pattern hair loss) can have serious psychosocial consequences.


Hair transplants account for the vast majority of hair restoration treatments, and the introduction of microvascular surgical instruments, as well as a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology of hair loss, has transformed the art of surgical hair restoration since its inception.


Anatomy, Genetics, and Physiology of Hair Loss:

In genetically predisposed males and some women, androgenic alopecia is characterised by increasing noticeable thinning of scalp hair. The latest scientific evidence suggests that AGA is a polygenic characteristic. Variants of the androgen receptor gene, which is found on the X chromosome, have been linked to significant outcomes.


Caucasians have the highest incidence of AGA, followed by Asians, Africans, and Native Americans, with Native Americans having the lowest rate.The frontal, midscalp, vertex, and temporal portions of the scalp can be split for hair transplantation purposes. Hair thinning and shedding are caused by the gradual shrinking of genetically marked hair follicles, which is characterised by a reduction in the anagen (growth) phase of the hair follicle and an increase in the telogen/anagen ratio of the affected scalp suggested by the best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata. The physiology of hair loss is inextricably tied to an understanding of the typical hair follicle life cycle.


Although testosterone is the most common androgen that causes hair loss, it must first be transformed to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5-reductase in order to be most effective. The absence of AGA in men with congenital impairment of type II 5-reductase and varied amounts of hair regrowth in men with MAGA treated with finasteride, a selective type II 5-reductase inhibitor, demonstrate the relevance of DHT as an etiologic factor in male pattern hair loss. Excessive amounts of 5-reductase, DHT, and the DHT androgen receptor are found in the balding scalp. DHT's activity is mediated by nuclear androgen receptors found within cells.


There is no consensus among women on whether or not hair loss is actually androgen dependent. The majority of FPHL patients do not have biochemical hyperandrogenism. In fact, some women with no detectable circulating androgens may acquire FPHL, implying that non-androgen-dependent processes may play a role. Based on this information, it is reasonable to replace the term androgenic alopecia in women with the more recent and scientifically descriptive term female pattern hair loss (FPHL), which encompasses this known variation.


The bulk of human hair shafts come from the scalp in single-, two-, and three-hair clusters on a macro level. The groups are the apparent surface of the follicular unit, which is a separate histologic structure (FU). Follicular units are almost solely used as the transferred element of tissue in today's hair transplants, hence this operation is now known as a follicular unit hair transplant (FUT).


Nonsurgical Options for Treating Hair Loss:

Only two drugs have been licenced by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to enhance scalp hair growth. Finasteride and minoxidil are the drugs in question. Other drugs that claim to treat hair loss are many, but their effectiveness is debatable.


Finasteride (Propecia; Merck & Co, Inc, Whitehouse Station, New Jersey) is a medicine that inhibits the 5-reductase type 2 pathways, lowering DHT levels. Finasteride was proven to prevent hair loss or have favourable benefits related to hair growth in 90% of patients in a prospective randomised study conducted by the company, and independent research has also confirmed the drug's safety and efficacy.


Propecia is solely approved by the FDA for men. The FDA only authorises the company to make claims about hair development in the vertex area of the scalp, although many doctors have noticed that this medication has a broad effect on the hair on the scalp.


 Minoxidil (Rogaine; McNeil-PPC, Inc, Morris Plains, New Jersey) has been available since 1988 as a topical medication indicated to treat hair loss. It has been used in men and women. The mechanism of action is unclear, but it is recognized that the vasodilatory effects of minoxidil do not fully explain its positive action on hair growth. Observed benefits include increased proliferation of dermal papillae cells, increased hair caliber, and diminished telogen phase during the hair growth cycle.


Evaluation and Planning:

The main metric by which results are objectively documented is photography of the hair restoration surgery (HRS) result. Hair photography has been defined in terms of lighting and typical positions. To avoid the upper borders of black hair blending into the backdrop, a light grey or blue-colored background is recommended. This background is also suitable for people with white or blond hair.


General Evaluation:

The indicators of hair loss have been particularly distressing. Because of their low self-esteem and vulnerability to an imagined outcome, this group of patients is more prone to rash decisions and excessive expectations. For patients with hair loss, managing these expectations and developing a realistic surgical plan is important to the procedure's long-term success.


The fact that hair loss is progressive is a critical idea that physicians and patients should keep in mind when evaluating and preparing for HRS. Hair loss that appears in the office during a consultation is only a snapshot in a long-term process that began years ago and will continue till death.


Communication on the quality of the patient's donor hair is also an important part of managing expectations.Curl, hair shaft diameter, colour, texture, follicular unit density, and the telogen/anogen ratio of in situ donor hair are all traits that should be examined. These characteristics of the donor hair should be examined and documented in order to anticipate how well the transplanted hair would conceal scalp baldness according to the best hair transplant surgeon in India.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Before and After Hair Transplant: Step-by-Step Situation

One of the most successful therapies for patients suffering from hair loss is hair transplantation. According to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata says, When we look at instances of people's hair before and after a hair transplant, we can see that their hair grows in a healthy way that makes them feel better. Although it is not a long-term treatment for thinning hair, it can help many people regain hair fullness and confidence.


Hair transplantation is a microsurgical treatment that involves transplanting healthy hair follicles to regions where the hair follicle is no longer active and baldness has developed. In other words, for persons who are experiencing hair thinning or loss, hair transplant surgery may be a viable option. The patient's own healthy hair is transplanted into the spilt region during hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is a procedure that is planned and carried out on an individual basis.


The patient's hair follicles that are resistant to shedding are collected in the nape area. Following that, during the hair transplantation operation, these are implanted into the channels made in the thinning or completely losing areas. The purpose of this technique is to make hair appear as natural and healthy as possible.


Male pattern hair loss is the most frequent kind of hair loss we see today. According to the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata, The regression of the hairline in the forehead area and the opening of the apex are the most common symptoms. Besides, male pattern spillage can be seen not only in men but also in women.


Things to consider before Hair Transplant:

Hair Transplant

Hair transplants are typically more successful than over-the-counter hair restoration products. But there are some factors to consider:


1.In three to four months, anywhere from 10% to 80% of the hair that has been transplanted will have fully grown back.

2.Like regular hair, the transplanted hair will thin over time.

3.People with dormant hair follicles (sacs beneath the skin that used to hold hair but no longer do) may have less effective transplants, but a study reveals that plasma therapy can assist up to 75% or more of the transplanted hairs fully grow back.


Hair transplants aren't always successful. They're mostly used to restore hair if you're naturally balding or thinning, or if you've lost hair due to an injury.

Because most hair transplants use your current hair, they're not as effective for treating persons who have:

1.widespread thinning and baldness loss due to chemotherapy or other medications

3.thick scalp scars from injuries



Your scalp may be very sensitive after surgery. It's possible that you'll have to use pain relievers for several days. For at least a day or two, your surgeon will have you wear bandages over your scalp. He might also give you an antibiotic or an anti-inflammatory to take for a few days. After the operation, most people are able to return to work in 2 to 5 days. A Hair Transplant is a procedure that involves transplanting hair from one person to another.


Simply defined, a hair transplant is a procedure that takes your existing hair and transplants it to an area where you don't have any. It's usually obtained from the back of your head, although other regions of your body might also be used.


Before starting a transplant, your surgeon sterilizes the area where the hair will be removed and numbs it with a local anesthetic. You can also request sedation to stay asleep for the procedure.


Reconstructing The Frontal Hairline:

A finished hair transplant's frontal hairline is frequently the most visible component. Hairline requirements, on the other hand, differ from patient to patient.


Some people want a hairline that is both low and dense. A man in his 30s, for example, may have modest hair loss (receding temples) and wish to lower his hairline and fill in his temples.On the other hand, the individual must be made aware of the possibility that his hair loss would worsen in his 40s, requiring more hair transplant treatments. As a result, young patients considering a hair transplant should be aware that their hair loss may persist, necessitating further and repeat hair transplant treatments.


What To Expect- Hair Transplant Post-op Timeline:

Hair transplant surgery is a delicate technique. Following the post-operative instructions is crucial for attaining the greatest results before and after hair transplantation. The majority of people notice results six to nine months after surgery according to the best hair transplant surgeon in India. For some people, it could take up to a year.