Monday, February 28, 2022

8 Things to Avoid After Hair Transplant Procedure

Hair transplantation is quickly becoming one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. According to the best hair transplant surgeon in India, Patients' confidence in hair transplants is boosted by techniques like FUE, FUT, and Sapphire Hair Transplant. Furthermore, these procedures produce natural-looking results, which is why an increasing number of people are opting for hair transplants.


However, there are a few items you should avoid in the first few weeks if you want to see long-term gains. This article will discuss eight things to avoid following a hair transplant treatment. Keep in mind that you will be anaesthetized for the hair transplant surgery. As a result, please make sure that you have someone with you to drive you back home.

1. Avoid Sleeping Flat:

Despite the fact that hair transplantation is a small treatment, it is nonetheless a surgery. Swelling around the surgery site, like other procedures, may be a typical sign of the patients' experience. As a result, for the first seven days after surgery, the patient should sleep with his or her head elevated at a 45-degree angle. Sleeping in this position reduces edoema and speeds wound healing. Avoid sleeping on your stomach or side, and don't rub your new hairline on your pillow. Cover yourself with a large blanket or sleep in a recliner to minimise tossing and turning at night.


2. Avoid Hair wash:

Within the first 48 hours after your hair transplant, you should avoid washing your hair. On the third day, give your hair a gentle wash. Use a gentle shampoo and avoid squeezing the shampoo on the scalp suggested by the best hair transplant surgeon in Kolkata. Instead, pour the shampoo into a cup and massage it into your scalp gently with your hands. Excessive scratching or rubbing should be avoided.


3. Avoid Styling Hair Products:

The harsh chemicals in styling products are detrimental to your hair transplant procedure's success. Before using a dye or any other style product, wait at least 4 weeks. For several weeks after the transplant, the transplanted follicles are in an extremely delicate state, so give them all the attention they need.


4. Avoid De-Hydration:

We can't picture what life would be like without water. However, after a hair transplant, staying hydrated is much more important. When your body is properly hydrated, you will not only feel better, but your recovery will be quicker as well. Drink 10% more water than usual for a few weeks following surgery, and it will make a significant impact in your overall recovery. There are a plethora of mobile apps that will remind you to drink water. The best way to tell if you're getting enough water is to look at the colour of your pee. Urine should be translucent to extremely pale yellow in colour.


5. Avoid ice and sun directly to the scalp:

Because it is important to stay hydrated, do not apply ice directly to the areas of your scalp where you have transplanted hair. Avoid touching the area during the first three days. You can lightly touch your scalp after 72 hours, but only if necessary. If your scalp is itchy, instead of scratching it, use conditioner. For the first two weeks after your hair transplant, avoid direct sunlight between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.


6. Avoid strain and sweat:

Do not indulge in strenuous exercise, such as swimming or weight lifting, during the first seven days after the therapy. Sweat is abundant during any of these activities, and it affects the scalp as well. Stay away from steam rooms and saunas as well. During these seven days, avoid sweating and keep your heart rate and blood pressure in a safe, normal range. After that, you can go on walks, do yoga, or meditate.


7. Avoid Drinking and Smoking:

Because alcohol is a recognized dehydrator, it should be avoided for the first five days following treatment. As a result, drinking alcohol prolongs recovery time, increases discomfort, raises blood pressure to dangerous levels, and lowers blood supply and vital nutrients to the brain. Additionally, for a month following your therapy, refrain from smoking, using nicotine e-liquids, nicotine gum, or wearing nicotine patches. All of these raise your blood pressure. However, it is understood that these habits cannot be broken the day after surgery. As a result, it is advised that you begin reducing your drinking and smoking intake while arranging for a hair transplant so that you can continue doing so after the procedure.


8. Avoid these foods and drinks:

While you may not feel like cooking during your recovery, eating a well-balanced, nutritious diet is essential for maintaining healthy blood flow and hydration. Hair that is thick, healthy, soft, smooth, strong, and gorgeous will result from eating more nutrients. Fast food, drink, processed juice, baked goods, and other sugary items should be avoided. Fast food is devoid in nutrients and raises blood sugar levels.


It's important to remember that fast food is often low in nutrition and high in empty calories. Instead, consume calcium, magnesium, protein, iron, vitamin B6, zinc, biotin, and protein-rich foods or supplements according to the best hair transplant in India.

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