Sunday, December 13, 2020

A Short Note on Hypospadias


 Hypospadias is condition that is observed in male infant in which the opening of the urethra is underside of the penis instead of being at the tip. Urethra is the tube through which the urine drains from the bladder. Hypospadias generally don’t cause any difficulty in the child.


One the surgery is done successfully; they have no difficulty in urination or reproduction in future. But what are the symptoms and causes of hypospadias? Here you will find the answers to your question about hypospadias surgery in Kolkata.



In this condition, the opening of the urethra is located underside the penis instead of the tip. In most cases the opening is within the head. Rarely is it observed that the opening is at the base of the penis. And in the rarest cases it has been seen that the opening is in or beneath the scrotum.

Symptoms of hypospadias are:

·        Opening of the urethra at a location other than the tip of the penis

·        Downward curve of the penis (chordee)

·        Hooded appearance of the penis because only the top half of the penis is covered by foreskin

·        Abnormal spraying during urination

Most infant with hypospadias are diagnosed within the hospital. Sometimes if the opening is in slightly different position and quite difficult to identify. The doctor needs to be consulted if you find the penis to be different looking or if there is any problem during urination.



When the foetus is in the womb, various hormones come to action while forming the urethra and the foreskin. Hypospadias occur if malfunction occurs with the hormones. Till now the exact cause of hypospadias is still not found. In most cases it is genetic, though the environment also plays a role.



In spite of the fact that there is no exact reason of hypospadias still there are some factors which may have some link to it.

·       A child has a chance of getting hypospadias if there is a history of this condition in his family

·       There’s a possibility of getting hypospadias if the mother is over the age of 35

·       There is some speculation about an association between hypospadias and a mother's exposure to certain hormones or certain compounds such as pesticides or industrial chemicals, but further studies are needed to confirm this.


If hypospadias is not treated it can lead to various complications like deformed penis, problems learning how to use toilet, abnormal curvature of the penis with erection, problems with impaired ejaculation.


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