Sunday, December 13, 2020

What is the Best Hair Transplant Method for Me?

Since you have come this long in search of your hair restoration method, you definitely know what hair transplant surgery is. But to be clear let’s understand the techniques and some details about hair transplant surgery in Kolkata.


Hair transplant surgery is kind of cosmetic surgery where the hair follicles are taken out from the back or side of your head (also known as the donor area) and inserted to the area where there is no hair follicles. This surgery is successful in the case of Androgenic alopecia where the balding has occurred to the crown of the head leaving the back and sides intact.


Cases of people suffering from hair loss has significantly risen in the last couple of years due to various factors. And so does the solutions to hair loss. But unfortunately all they do is take your money down the sewage and give you false hope. But there is good news that medical science have come up with new techniques to actually solve the problem to get real and long-lasting solutions.

These techniques and technologies can be surgical and non-surgical method of hair restoration based on the severity of your hair loss.


Non-Surgical method of Hair restoration

Let’s get some facts straight, products like specialty shampoos, supplements and leave-in products are not going to show instant results. Actually nothing will show immediate results but since we are keeping this medical so we will rule out these products.

Medications and medical products will show results if you start to use them on the early period of your hair loss. Medications can slow down or reverse the hair loss process by improving hair growth and fullness in surrounding follicles that are not totally dormant.


According to FDA’s approval there are two types of medication that is used to treat male pattern baldness: androgen dependent and androgen independent.


Androgen dependent medication: Finasteride, works by stopping the action of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase which converts testosterone into DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), which is an element that shrink the hair follicles eventually making the hair thin, grey and prone to breakage.


Androgen independent medication: Minoxidil, work by dilating small blood vessels in the body. While it is still unknown why this stimulates hair growth, it has been shown to provide hair regrowth in around 40% of men after three months and will continue to support hair growth while the medication is being taken. Unlike androgen-dependent medicines, androgen-independent medicines can be used by women.


There are a variety of dietary supplements and vitamins available in the market but no clinical studies have shown that it can actually restore hair. People who have hair loss in their genetics and still haven’t seen any sign of hair loss or thinning can apply these products and they might get results.


Surgical Method of Hair Restoration

For the people who have experienced significant amount of hair loss, the surgical mode of hair restoration is the only option they can go for. There are two types of hair transplant surgery, FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and (Follicular Unit Extraction).


Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT): This method of hair transplant involves taking a strip of skin from the back of your head where the hair is fuller and healthy. The strip is then separated in individual tissues containing the hair follicles and prepared for transplantation. During the process tiny individual holes are made in the recipient site where you are experiencing balding. Then the grafts are individually places in those holes.

This method of transplantation has great end results and much long lasting. More number of grafts are achievable in a single sitting in this method. Though this method has some downside like the scar on the back of the head will remain for life time and while recovering both the sites needs to be taken care of.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE involves harvesting hair follicles from a donor site at the back of the head and moving them to create a fuller, natural-looking hairline. Unlike FUT, this method doesn’t involve removing a strip of tissue from the back of the head but rather collecting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp and inserting them into small incisions made in the recipient site.


What to choose?

Again coming to back to where we started, depending on the condition of your hair loss the necessary procedure has to be applied. If the hair loss has become quite significant then there is no other way except surgical method. But even in this case various factor involves like the toughness of the scalp, the intensity of hair loss and few others. Consulting to the right surgeon will give you the clear idea what you should go for and the “pros and cons” of both the method of transplant.

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